Google Chrome Remote Desktop allows you to access files and applications on another computer remotely. Here’s how you can transfer files between connected computers using Chrome Remote Desktop:

  1. Download and Set Up

    - Install the **Chrome Remote Desktop extension** on your web browser. - Choose a **unique name** for your desktop and set a **secure PIN** for access.
  2. Access Another Computer

    - Open Chrome and go to ``. - Click **Access** to select the desired remote computer. - Enter the **PIN** required for access.
  3. File Transfer

    - **Download from Remote to Local**: - Click the **"Download file"** button on the right-hand side of your screen. - A **file manager window** will appear on the remote machine. - Choose a file and click **"Open."** - The file will be transferred to your local machine. - A **"Save File"** window will open on your local machine. Choose a location to save the file. - Done! The file is now on your local machine. - **Upload from Local to Remote**: - Click the **"Upload file"** button. - An **"Open File"** file manager window will appear on your local machine. - Choose a file (click it again if already selected) and click **"Open."** - An **"Uploading"** indicator will show up with a progress bar. - When completed, a notification will appear on the remote desktop screen: **"Upload complete. Look for the file on the remote device's desktop."** - Done! The file is now on your remote computer's desktop ¹³.