The goal of Go is to control the most territory on the board by the end of the game.
Game Setup
Board: The game is played on a grid of 19x19 lines, but smaller 9x9 boards are often used for beginners.
Stones: One player uses black stones, the other uses white stones. Black typically plays first.
Basic Rules
Placing Stones: Players take turns placing one stone on an empty intersection (point) on the board.
Capturing Stones: Stones are captured and removed from the board if they are completely surrounded by the opponent's stones on all adjacent points (up, down, left, right). A group of stones connected by horizontal and vertical lines shares the same fate.
Liberties: Stones must have at least one liberty (empty adjacent point) to remain on the board. If placing a stone would leave it without liberties, it's an illegal move unless it results in capturing opponent stones, in which case it's called "suicide."
Ko Rule: To prevent infinite loops, a player cannot make a move that returns the game to the previous board position.
End of the Game
The game ends when both players pass their turns consecutively, indicating they believe there are no more beneficial moves.
Scoring: Players count their controlled territory (empty points surrounded by their stones) plus captured enemy stones. The player with the higher score wins.
Other Key Concepts
Territory: Areas of the board surrounded by a player's stones.
Eyes: Empty points within a player's territory that ensure groups of stones cannot be captured because they have internal liberties.