Apache Wicket

Apache Wicket is a web application framework programming in Java.

Swing-like OO Component Model

Pages and Components in Wicket are real Java objects that support encapsulation, inheritance and events.

Ease of Development

Because Wicket is Java and HTML, you can leverage what you know about Java or your favorite HTML editor to write Wicket applications.

Separation of Concerns

Wicket does not mix markup with Java code and adds no special syntax to your markup files. The worlds of HTML and Java are parallel and associated only by Wicket ids, which are attributes in HTML and Component properties in Java. Since Wicket HTML is just HTML and Wicket Java is just Java, coders and designers can work independently to a large degree and without relying on any special tools.


Wicket is secure by default. URLs do not expose sensitive information and all component paths are session-relative. Explicit steps must be taken to share information between sessions. There are plans for the next version of Wicket to add URL encryption to support highly secure web sites.

Apache Wicket